GLC Apps
Follow instructions below to download our free web app…
Available Apps
Apple Devices (iOS)
You can now download our free web app for all apple devices. Just open the link below from your mobile device, wait a few seconds for the prompt for “add to home screen” and follow the instructions by clicking the “add to home screen” icon at the bottom of your apple device! From there, your free GLC app will be added to you list of mobile apps and on your devices home screen for easy access!
Android Devices
You can now download our free web app for all Android devices. Just open the link below from your mobile device. Wait a few seconds for the prompt for “add to home screen”, tap the 3 vertical dots at the top of your screen and the app will be downloaded into your list of apps on your Android device. Find the GLC app in your apps list, hold down on the icon and then click “add to home” when menu appears!
TV Devices
Prefer to watch GLC on your TV instead of your computer or mobile device? Our streaming channel app is available on both Roku and Amazon FireTV devices! These devices can be purchased at an affordable cost (base models start below $30) and there is no subscription fee… EVER! Click below to find out how you can start streaming our free channel and on-demand programs today!